How Online Shopping is Changing Consumer Expectations in Sportswear

May 18, 2024

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The sportswear retail scene is rapidly changing because of online shopping’s rise. Sales in sportswear have jumped by 14% each year, showing a strong recovery from the pandemic. This growth, especially in the U.S., highlights how vital e-commerce has become1.

More shoppers are moving online, looking for variety, quality, and better digital experiences. They also care about how brands commit to sustainability. This big change means brands must rethink and improve their online game to meet new expectations.

Key Takeaways

  • By 2025, the global sportswear market is expected to grow annually by 8 to 10%, reaching a staggering €395 billion1.
  • E-commerce has established itself as the primary channel connecting consumers and brands during the pandemic1.
  • Emerging trends in the sportswear industry highlight the importance of digital engagement, sustainability, and social media integration1.
  • The shift towards online shopping transcends convenience, reshaping customer expectations towards free shipping and timely delivery2.
  • Technology is increasingly at the forefront, with interactive digital displays in retail enhancing the sportswear shopping experience3.

The Hybrid Shopping Model & Expectations of Consistency

The shift towards a hybrid shopping model has reshaped consumer behavior. This change is due to the global pandemic, which sped up the move to online shopping4. Sportswear retailers have had to blend interactive tech into their stores and websites. This mix provides the convenience and smooth experience that modern shoppers expect4.

The Increasing Preference for Omnichannel Experiences

Customers now prefer shopping experiences that mix online browsing with in-store buying4. They expect good prices, various discounts, and helpful service, no matter how they shop4. The need for shopping that works well across different channels is growing. Customers want to start shopping on their phones and finish on their computers, or the other way around4.

Interactive Technologies as a Bridge between Online and In-Store

Interactive tech connects online shopping with physical stores. With many people shopping on their phones or using digital wallets4, stores must provide many payment options. They also need to offer clear shipping options and easy returns. This builds loyalty and trust with customers4.

Augmented and virtual reality have changed the shopping game. Shoppers can try on clothes virtually, making them more confident in their online purchases4. Personalized shopping, through AI and data analytics, is now expected. Customers want shopping experiences that feel special and tailored to them4.

Today, people value the option of picking up online orders in-store. Almost half of UK shoppers used click and collect services during the holiday season5. The convenience of online shopping and in-store returns attracts many customers. These choices show that merging online and in-store shopping is necessary for sportswear brands to stay competitive5.

The hybrid shopping model and omnichannel experiences are transforming retail. Sportswear brands need to adapt quickly to these changes. This way, they can succeed in the future market.

Rise of Digital Transformation in Retail & Sportswear

The sportswear industry is quickly moving forward. Digital transformation acts like a coach, pushing change at a fast pace. Retail’s dive into new tech has completely changed shopping for brands and customers. About 49% of retailers regretted their software buys last year, showing how hard big changes can be6. Yet, 57% plan to spend more on software in 2024, aiming to improve their retail game6.

Digital wallets and touch-free payments make buying easier. Mobile commerce is becoming a key part of retail’s digital change7. Augmented and virtual realities are moving from cool new things to must-haves. They make shopping on your phone better by making sportswear feel real7. Small and medium businesses focus on IT security and tools, getting ready for a time when cyber safety is as important as their products6.

Voice commerce and AI are creating new ways to shop without using your hands7. Retailers are using automation and AI in warehouses to keep up with what customers want7. But, many businesses, especially new ones, regret their software investments. This shows how hard it is to find the right balance6.

Some parts of getting digital are quick, others take longer. The retail industry is preparing for a big journey. It’s using AI to make online shopping feel more personal6. Gen Z’s push for remote work means more online shopping, something sportswear brands notice6. 45% of consumers are willing to share data for a better shopping experience. It shows people want shopping that’s made just for them6.

Retailers need to set clear goals and try products before buying. They should carefully pick vendors and think about future needs and possible regrets6. As digital changes keep moving forward, sportswear brands should see them as chances. These opportunities can boost how they connect with customers and make them happy.

Digital Transformation in the Sportswear Retail Industry

Sportswear Consumer Behavior Shift During the Pandemic

COVID-19 changed how we buy sportswear, with more people shopping online and wearing athleisure. This big change was because of the pandemic and the shift to digital shopping. Now, athleisure is a key part of our closets, and we rely more on online shopping for fitness gear.

From Athleisure to E-commerce: New Consumer Habits

Stuck at home, people chose comfort and utility in their clothes, making athleisure a top choice. At the same time, online shopping became the way to go. The demand for activewear shot up – in the US by 40% and in the UK by almost double during April’s first week8.

Nike saw a 5% rise in revenue, reaching $10.1 billion. Their online sales alone went up by 36% from the previous year8.

The Impact of Digital and Community-led Exercise on Sportswear Shopping

Online workouts and group exercises found a new online space, leading to growth in this market. Bike sales for both kids and adults jumped by 56% and 121% in the US, respectively. The UK bike market grew by 50% in April. This shows a big interest in cycling, with many buyers being newcomers8.

This surge in interest, pushed by online fitness communities, boosted the sportswear market. It’s expected that athleisure will be worth over $662 billion by 20309. Digital shopping expanded beyond clothes; online car sales reached $261.9 billion in 2021. They are expected to hit $721.6 billion by 20309.

The pandemic has introduced a new way of thinking in sportswear shopping. It combines digital shopping with a love for athleisure. This isn’t just a short trend but a lasting change. It’s reshaping how retail works and how we engage as consumers.

Sector Impact Statistical Increase
Athleisure Pandemic-driven growth in online sales US: 40%, UK: 97%8
Sportswear Brands (Nike) Revenue growth with e-commerce boost Revenue up 5%, online sales up 36%8
Cycling Renewed interest due to community-led digital exercise Children’s bikes: up 56%, Adult bikes: up 121% (US)8
Global Athleisure Market Predicted market growth from active digital engagement Projected to top $662 billion by 20309
Online Car Buying Increasing preference for online purchases Grew to $261.9 billion in 20219

Technology in Online Shopping Enhancing Sportswear Experience

The technology used in online shopping greatly improves the experience of buying sportswear. In 2021, the sportswear market grew by 14% from the year before1. This jump beats the slow 5% growth seen between 2015 and 2019. It shows how new tech makes shopping online better for everyone.

Now, online shopping sites offer smooth experiences thanks to new tech advancements. A report by McKinsey predicts that the global sportswear market could grow to €395 billion by 20251. This is thanks to an 8 to 10% growth each year. China and the United States lead this growth, with sales jumping by 23% and 15% in 20211.

Nowadays, being eco-friendly is very important. Events like the COP26 Climate Change Conference show that sportswear brands need to think green1. By using online tools, companies can understand what their customers want like never before. This was hard to do with just physical stores1.

Social media also helps by making it easy for people to engage with sportswear brands. This is especially true for young people and those in China, India, and the U.S.1. Because of this, many brands are now focusing on being eco-friendly and ethical to stand out. They’re adopting circular business models to make a difference1.

Sportswear companies are now more careful with how they manage their supply chains1. They know being quick and flexible is key to staying ahead. As tech keeps evolving, these brands aren’t just following trends—they’re setting them.

How Online Shopping is Changing Consumer Expectations in Sportswear

The way people buy sportswear is changing fast, thanks to online shopping and new customer needs. In 2020, even with market ups and downs, some sportswear companies did really well. They grew more than 15 percent, beating many other companies that struggled1. This shows how important it is to be quick to adapt and focus on customers online.

Last year, the sportswear market bounced back almost to what it was before the pandemic. With big help from China and the US, it grew by 14 percent from the year before. That’s twice as much as the growth between 2015 and 20191. Experts think this growth will keep up, expecting the market to jump from €295 billion in 2021 to €395 billion by 20251. This means sportswear brands have to get ready for a bigger market and changing buying habits.

It’s critical to know what customers want. Young people and shoppers in China, India, and the US are ready to spend more on sports gear. To win them over, stores need the right strategies1.

Being online-savvy is key for reaching customers. Companies that combine social media with selling are seeing big profits. They use websites, apps, and actual stores together, relying on data to make better products and meet demand1. Livestreaming is also becoming a powerful way to sell worldwide, especially in Asia1.

More and more, people want products that are good for the planet. This push for sustainability got a big boost from events like COP261. Sportswear companies need to innovate and make sure their supply chains can handle sudden changes, cost jumps, and other challenges1.

Retailers have to change quickly to keep up. Explore the insights from sporting goods 2022. It shows how using social media for selling, improving supply chains, and focusing on sustainability are shaping the future of sportswear sales. Being online isn’t just a strategy, it’s a must for staying in business.

Year Global Sportswear Market Growth Projected Annual Growth Rate (2021-2025)
2021 14% (Year-on-year) 8-10%
2025 €395 billion (Projected Market Size)

Trends in Sustainability and Social Commerce Shaping Consumer Preferences

The sportswear industry is changing fast, thanks to sustainability and social commerce. People are more aware of environmental issues and their health. So, big brands and new ones are changing their ways to fit into this new trend.

Adopting Sustainable Practices in the Sportswear Industry

Going green is key in sportswear now. In 2023, eco-friendly brands saw a 6 percent sales boost. Especially in Western Europe, where sustainable brands grew by 8 percent, overcoming a 3 percent drop the year before. This shows people prefer products that are kind to the planet10.

By 2027, the industry aims for a 7 percent yearly growth by being sustainable. This strategy helps companies grow and make more profit. Yet, 81 percent worry that rising costs and inflation may slow down their green efforts10.

Sustainable Sportswear

Leveraging Social Media for Enhanced Sportswear Shopping Experiences

Social commerce and sportswear are a perfect match. They change the way people shop for sportswear on social media. Now, consumers want sports that are fun, fast, and easy. Pickleball and paddle tennis are booming, with pickleball growing 159 percent since 201910.

Sportswear brands use social media to connect with customers. They also tailor their ads to match what consumers want. Patagonia’s campaign, for example, encourages shoppers to think before they buy. This promotes buying less but better quality things11.

Sportswear Market Growth 2023 2022
Global Average 6% 2%
Western Europe 8% -3% Decline
Asia-Pacific 11% -4% Decline
North America 2% 6%
Latin America 22% 20%

Today’s market is full of both challenges and chances for growth. Leaders in the industry must blend sustainable actions with clever social commerce strategies. This mix will let the sportswear industry continue to offer products that fit consumers’ needs. And also meet their environmental and social values.


The evolution of online shopping has dramatically changed the retail industry. This is especially true in the sportswear sector. Consumer card spending at sportswear retailers has jumped over 52%12. This shows more people are buying online and brands need to focus on digital.

Since preferences are changing, brands must use an omnichannel strategy. In the past four years, online shopping among sportswear buyers has increased by 103%12. This shift is huge.

Brands are now focusing more on sustainability and social commerce. Companies like Amazon and Apple are leading with innovative business models. They show how to satisfy consumers’ needs for convenience, quick service, and variety. The pandemic made even more people shop online. By 2020, online sales for off-price retailers shot up to 84%, but then stabilized at 8% three years later12.

Today, the sportswear industry stands at a critical point. Brands have the chance to change the retail world for their products12. To succeed, they must focus on sustainability, engage in social commerce, and keep innovating.

As the data shows, the future of sportswear will be more personalized and seamless. It will blend online and offline shopping experiences, thanks to technology12.


How has online shopping impacted consumer expectations in the sportswear industry?

Online shopping has made it easier for people to buy sportswear. Customers now look for smooth shopping both online and in stores.

Why has the hybrid shopping model gained popularity among sportswear consumers?

The mix of online and in-store shopping has become a favorite for many. It blends the ease of online shopping with the benefit of trying on clothes in person.

How are interactive technologies bridging the gap between online and in-store shopping for sportswear?

New tech like virtual try-ons make online shopping better. They offer a fun and tailored shopping journey.

How has digital transformation impacted the sportswear industry?

Digital changes have boosted the sportswear market. They’ve made operations smoother, shopping more personal, and increased how much customers engage with brands.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted sportswear consumer behavior?

The pandemic changed how people buy sportswear. With more focus on online shopping, folks have shifted from casual sportswear to buying more online.

What is the role of technology in enhancing the online shopping experience for sportswear consumers?

Tech is key in making online shopping for sportswear better. It brings virtual try-on, custom suggestions, and easy returns, streamlining the shopping experience.

How has online shopping influenced consumer expectations in the sportswear industry?

Online shopping has set the bar high in the sportswear field. Shoppers now want personalized services, smooth buying, and hassle-free returns online.

How have sustainability and social commerce impacted consumer preferences in the sportswear industry?

People are asking for greener options in sportswear. They use social media for a better shopping experience, preferring brands that care about the planet and its people.

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